Business Works - BW briefs
BW briefs

BW briefs

Is Migration Cap hampering UK productivity?


by CIPDDemand for migrant workers has increased despite rising levels of unemployment - will the Cap affect productivity? more ...

What's happening to the Pound and Euro


by Emma WilsonEconomic data, the interest rate frenzy and middle-east political tensions are affecting Sterling and the Euro. more ...

Tax cheat check-up launched


by HMRCTax cheats will face up to five years’ detailed scrutiny from the taxman. more ...

Managing stress at work


by Gary NewboroughStress is more common in the workplace than many people think. Managing it effectively is very important. more ...

Charities and donors - act now!


by About CharitiesWhether you are a charity or a donor, the time is running out to get that extra 3p in the pound more ...

Charities and donors - act now!


by About CharitiesWhether you are a charity or a donor, the time is running out to get that extra 3p in the pound more ...

BW briefs are short, topical features overing a wide variety of subjects. They are arranged by date so please browse and enjoy!
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